"If you’re rich, I’m your bitch!"

Oh Oxygen! Bad Girls Club is one of my guilty pleasures for sure! I generally watch to just see these bimbos make themselves look dumb and talk about how their lives are so this and so that! But so they got new roommates, one of which is a self proclaimed ‘gold digger’ She’s going to be soooo fun to watch and bump heads with Amy, the dark sided wench.

That small town NC chick is just lame. I hate her already. I don’t like her hair, I don’t like the way she dresses, I don’t like that she was surprised when the girls met her for the first time and weren’t all up her ass and wanting to be BFF with her and she got all upset and put on a screw face. Get over yourself, cuz you ain’t it honey!

Why does Jodi look like a $5 hooker? How come Keri has tattooed on eye makeup? Zara is cool because she’s just stoopid. Deann is walking trash.

Needless to say, I gotta watch because well, “Just cuz”

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